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Baseball Pitching Injuries Of The Shoulder: Conservative Treatment Options

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Pitchers are susceptible to shoulder injuries and because of this, it is essential that they warm-up prior to a baseball game to help lower the risk. Warm-up exercises that involve stretching can help promote optimal circulation to the muscles and tendons while helping to enhance strength and range of motion. While surgical intervention may be necessary to repair some pitching injuries, the following conservative treatment options may be very effective in managing your symptoms.


PT and OT, also known as physical therapy and occupational therapy are often very effective in the treatment of certain pitching injuries of the shoulder. They both help promote blood flow to the affected areas to enhance the healing process, improve flexibility, and strengthen the surrounding structures that support the injured tendon, ligament, joint, or muscle. Occupational therapy is often recommended if pitching injuries prevent the individual from performing their work tasks.

Occupational therapy is especially effective in restoring fine motor skills to the hands when the shoulder injury has caused limitation in the movement of the fingers. Also, if the pitching injury has caused neck pain, the person may be unable to drive safely. The physical therapist can help the individual work on neck mobility so that they can comfortably and safely rotate their head to look from side to side and over their shoulder.

Naproxen Sodium And Ibuprofen

Naproxen sodium and ibuprofen are two over-the-counter medications known as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Commonly known as NSAIDs, these medications not only help relieve pain but also help suppress inflammation. Another over-the-counter pain relief medication known as acetaminophen is also effective in reducing the discomfort of pitching injuries; however, it does little to dampen inflammation.

Most sports injuries cause inflammation, so it is important to treat the inflammation because it will help promote pain relief, mobility, and flexibility. If you are unable to tolerate certain side effects from NSAIDs such as stomach upset, talk to a sports medicine service to determine if acetaminophen might be an effective alternative to augment your treatment. Further, if over-the-counter strength naproxen sodium or ibuprofen is ineffective in treating severe pain, a sports medicine pro may offer you a prescription-strength NSAID medication for symptomatic relief.

If you sustain a pitching-related injury, seek medical attention as soon as possible. While the above conservative interventions are often highly effective in the management of certain sports-related injuries, those associated with severe tears or joint damage may respond better to surgical intervention.
