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2 Little-Known Causes Of Upper Back Pain

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If you are experiencing upper back pain, it’s important that you get a proper diagnosis to determine the cause of the pain. There are three potentially life-threatening conditions that can cause upper back pain even though the conditions have nothing to do with the back. Because they are life-threatening, it’s important to get a diagnosis to rule out these conditions. Here’s what you need to know.  Chiari Malformation What it is: Chiari malformation is the herniation of the cerebellar tonsils (lower part of the brain) into the opening for the spinal canal. Read More»

4 Health And Fitness Tips For A Better Hip Replacement Experience

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During the time before and after a hip replacement, improving your overall health is important to increase your chances of successful outcome. Changes in your diet and performing safe exercises can lower the impact on your new joint and help you during your rehabilitation. Shed A Few Pounds Hip replacements are performed on people of varying sizes and being overweight can make the healing process more difficult. It is not uncommon to have put on a few extra pounds as your mobility decreased. Read More»